Why can’t my horse cope barefoot?

This is a question that a lot of horse owners who are interested in taking their horses barefoot end up asking themselves. Google it and you will find countless articles and forum threads, and most of them will come to different conclusions. All of this makes it very confusing  when you just want a simple answer as to why your horse isn't comfortable and what you can do about it.

Did you know that thoroughbreds have good feet?

This post was inspired by the article Speed Kills on Hooves. Although the article in question focuses more on conformation, it touched on feet very, very slightly. I’m about to go into that in more detail. If I say ‘thoroughbred feet’, what’s your first thought? Is it ‘weak’? Is it something along the lines of … Continue reading Did you know that thoroughbreds have good feet?

Humans vs Horses: Barefoot Running.

I realised a few months ago that I was doing a lot of talking about barefoot, and how good it was, and not much actual experimenting. Last month, I read Zoobiquity, a book about the potential for combining animal and human healthcare and looking at the similarities between humans and animals. It got me thinking about … Continue reading Humans vs Horses: Barefoot Running.

Is this really an advancement in shoeing?

http://hoofcare.blogspot.fr/2011/10/dressage-fuego-style-its-whats.html This blog post looks at the special shoes worn by dressage champion Fuego de Cardenas. They're known as rock n' roll shoes. I don't like them. First off, they have thick, chunky 'soles' on the bottom, which have several effects on the horse. 1. The sole will not be able to contact the ground … Continue reading Is this really an advancement in shoeing?

The massive problem with the Barefoot Movement today.

First off, let me apologise for not posting earlier. My computer crashed and it's still temperamental, but I can use it from time to time. Now I've said that, it's going to die completely. Sod's law. I started this blog with the intention of documenting my life with horses and trying to gather all the … Continue reading The massive problem with the Barefoot Movement today.